Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fun weekend!

This weekend was a total blast! We did some errands Saturday morning with Mercy, went to the Farmer's Market, came home and attempted a nap (I succeeded, Ange did not...dogs were driving her bonkers), got up and primped for our lovely double date, had SO MUCH FUN on our double date (including both Santorini's & Jillian's), crashed into bed, woke up Sunday and made our traditional Sunday brunch, did a few things around the house, met up with some of Ange's friends, ate a quick lunch, went on a nice hike/walk through Holliday Park, did some shopping at Target and Old Navy, stopped by to say hi to my dad, and went home to put away our goodies, do some cleaning, make homemade pizza and apple cobbler, watched Extreme Home Makeover and crash into bed! Whew!

The double date was definitely the highlight of the weekend. We really did have so much fun with Prem and NY. Aaaaand, I hesitate to report because I don't want to jinx anything, I think this matchmaker match is going well so far. Definitely better than the ManChild match.

Probably the other highlight of the weekend was our new coffee pot. This weekend was a bad weekend for coffee + Ange. On Saturday she managed to spill coffee on every shirt she was wearing, the car and me. Then on Sunday she broke our home coffee maker (for the 2nd time). So when we were out running around we check out coffee machines at Target. I spotted a stainless steel beaut that had the benefit of not only being visually stimulating but also being sturdy and therefore not being prone to breaking by my vigorously cleaning girlfriend. It also has a timer in case we want to set it to have a hot cup of Joe ready and waiting for us in the morning! Everybody wins!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

It was definitely a good time, and I got to enjoy a Patachou chicken salad sandwich the next day. Any excuse for that is good with me. :-)