Monday, October 19, 2009

Our little Veteran...I mean Veterinarian...

I've been meaning to blog about this for a while. I just kept forgetting to transfer the pics from my camera to my hard drive. So long overdue, but just as important this post is about moving Hilary to Michigan State University so she could go to school to become a veterinarian. I talked a little about Hilary's quest to become a veterinarian during her graduation post, but I think there are a few key things I did not mention.

1. Hilary had struggled with which vet school to attend. Yeah, which one. Because she got accepted into 3. Vet schools are notoriously hard to get accepted to, but dear Hilary got accepted to 3. I've got a smarty little sister. Her dream had always been to go to Purdue, but when she visited the schools, turns out she liked MSU better. It was a much more elaborate and semi-heart wrenching experience for her, but in the end that's what it came down to. So far she's very happy with her decision.

2. Hilary has always wanted to be a large animal vet. MSU has an excellent large animal vet program (actually large animals are called food animals but I don't like that so we'll stick to large animals) but they also have some cool exotic animal programs (like zoo animals and stuff) so she's thinking about that as well. This probably worked in her favor in terms of her competitiveness since the majority of students are females who want to do family/small pet vet stuff.

3. This actually has nothing to do with Hil's move to MSU directly, but once time, quite a while ago, my mom, sisters and I were walking through the mall during Veteran's Day and Leslie says "Speaking of you still want to be one?" and then quickly said "I mean, veterinarian." Which of course made us all crack up and also of course we have never let Leslie forget. So Hilary is off being a veteran at MSU. I mean, veterinarian.

When we went to move Hilary to school we also went by the Vet School to check it out. Only Leslie and my mom had been there to visit previously so it was my dad, Gail, Dale and my first time checking it out. I took charge of photo-documenting the trip.

As we pulled in we saw the first sign of excitement!

Ooooh, trucks and trailers! Must mean lots of big animals!

Yay! Animals! Look at the excitement! Home Alone style!

Big animal poop in the parking lot! Definitely in the right place!

Mom being a weirdo (which is normal). Hilary also being a weirdo...also normal.

Hilary and Dad posing awkwardly by a sick horse. Poses normal, sick horse was a new experience.

Insert lame joke about pegasus's and critical care as told by my father...king of corny jokes.

Here's Hilary posing as a Pegasus in front of the critical care center patron saint...or something.

Requisite posing in front of college sign.

Just in case you weren't sure what the Vet's Oath said. Very nice if I do say so myself.

Wooo! Public Health!!!

More awkward posing

Hilary had an awful pimple attacking her face. Like the wonderful and supportive older sister I am I told her it looked like she had a major herpes outbreak and I attempted to photo document it several times. This was the best shot of the bunch.

My mom was trying to give her support and be in solidarity with her.

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