Wednesday, January 18, 2012

365: New Quilt!

Ange and I have been looking for a new quilt/bed spread for a while. This is more difficult than it might seem. Ange and I have very different tastes. My favorite colors are pink and red--she hates these colors. Her favorite colors are blue and green -- neither of which I care for particularly much. I like black as an accent color--she likes brown. I like bold & wild patterns--she prefers more subdued things. In addition, although we have a king size bed that it needs to cover, I'm the only one who will be using it. Ange has her own special blanket she uses and I use the flat sheet and the quilt/bed spread. So it has to be thick enough to keep me warm but thin enough to accommodate my side of the bed only when we sleep. Also, we're cheapos. So it needs to be inexpensive. But hardy enough to stand up to lots of washings (see previous post on Ange's clean linens issue). See our challenge?

But today I found the perfect quilt! It was on clearance at Target for $26.98 (check on the cheap). It was thick, but not too thick (check on spatial size). It had less obnoxious greens and blues, but also purples and yellows (check on colors). Had a nice crazy pattern, but not over the top (check on visual appearance). I sent Ange a text and she loved it! It's been washed and dryed and is just waiting for bedtime. Score!

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