Thursday, December 15, 2011

365: More Free Wood!

Someone in our canyon (or something--the deets are sketchy) got a grant to hire The Fire Service to come create defensible space on our road for fire prevention. So in case of a canyon fire, in theory, our road and the additional defensible space surrounding it will help prevent the fire from burning up the entire canyon. They've been out every day for the past 2 weeks clearing brush, cutting tree limbs (and sometime whole trees), and raking stuff around. At the end of each day they stack logs on the side of the road. I don't know if we're supposed to take them but dang, they just sat there for days looking so ready to be transported to our home to dry out and become firewood for our stove. So after days of temptation we grabbed a few. However most of what they cut we're in way too big chunks for our use. Apparently they've been monitoring our pilfering and he realized we only take small logs. Today I hit the mother lode because they stacked up so many small, appropriately sized logs I finally filled up the car! We'll have to see if any last til tomorrow or if our grubby neighbors get in on our gig too.

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