365 Project

I'm documenting my first year as a faculty member through pictures. Specifically one picture a day for a year. I can't take credit for this idea; it came from my friend Brandi who found it through other people and so on and so forth.

Here are some links to other places that are doing the same thing:

365 Project Website
A Flickr Group
A 365 Project focused on Gratefulness 

(I have nothing to do with these sites; I just googled 365 project and these are what came up!)

Some people post just pictures, some a brief phrase...I am generally way too chatty to leave it to that so you'll often find more blog-like posts under my pictures. There's no rules here! I'm just doing what I felt like. That's pretty normal for me!

My project started August 15th, 2011 and will continue to August 15th, 2012. We'll see what happens then. All of my 365 posts have "365" in the title & they are all tagged with 365 so you can fish through them as you wish. 


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